Candy Wrappers (1000 Pieces)

Can you tell I'm on a kick with White Mountain puzzles? I found several at a thrift store as well as I ordered some of my own. I'm working on my goal of completing all the White Mountain puzzles, so why not get as many of those done as I can. Today's puzzle was another … Continue reading Candy Wrappers (1000 Pieces)

Gum Wrappers

For today's puzzle I picked out another collage puzzle from White Mountain puzzles featuring the designs of Charlie Girard. This was a 1,000 piece puzzle consisting of a collage of various gum wrappers. This puzzle was pretty quick and easy to assemble, and the pieces fit together nicely. My experience with White Mountain puzzles is … Continue reading Gum Wrappers

Things I Ate as a Kid

Today's Puzzle - Things I Ate as a Kid (1000 pieces) by Charlie Girard (White Mountain) Since I decided to make it my goal to complete all the puzzles produced by White Mountain, I immediately went to my stash of uncompleted puzzles and pulled out this gem from the White Mountain puzzle company. It features … Continue reading Things I Ate as a Kid

Down on the Farm

Today's Puzzle - "Down on the Farm" 1000 pieces by White Mountain (designed by Charlie Girard) Although puzzles are often scenes and pictures of items, from time to time it's nice to do something that is more word based. I find it makes the puzzle come together pretty quickly. I enjoyed putting together this puzzle … Continue reading Down on the Farm