Prairie Star

Today’s Puzzle – “Prairie Star” 500 piece by Lee Stroncek (produced by SunsOut)

As you might have guessed from the picture of this puzzle, it was given to me by my grandma. I’m sure you saw the picture of the woman quilting and instantly knew!

This puzzle was fun and easy to put together. The company that produced this puzzle, SunsOut, cuts pieces into unique shapes. This makes assembly nice as it’s easy to tell if the puzzle piece actually goes where you are trying to put it given the shape. This was especially helpful on this puzzle as the sky and the prairie grass was a bit challenging since the colors all blend together and look the same.

While I was putting together this puzzle, I couldn’t help but wonder the wheel contraption in the lower, right-hand corner was used for. I haven’t seen anything like it before, and I’m not familiar with what you would use it for. So if you know, leave a comment below!

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