I Love Texas

Today’s Puzzle – “I Love Texas” 1000 pieces by White Mountain (designed by Charlie Girard)

This past week has been quite busy, so I haven’t had the opportunity to put together puzzles. Darn! Today I finally had the opportunity to sit down and work on a puzzle and completed this lovely puzzle from White Mountain with things from the state of Texas.

I’m not from Texas, but I visited the state a lot as a child as I have several family members that lived in Texas. Our summer vacations typically consisted of piling to the car and driving to Texas to see them. Most of the time we spent just hanging out with them at their houses but occasionally would go check out a famous landmark or tourist destination.

As I put this puzzle together, I was interested to see some of the places I’ve visited in Texas, such as Moody Gardens, Six Flags, the Alamo, and the San Antonio River Walk. Other pieces of the collage spoke more to the culture of Texas than actual places in it, such as the Tex Mex and the speed limit sign. The only thing I wasn’t familiar with was the reference to Homecoming Mums. I’m not quite sure what that means in Texas. If you know, comment below and let me know!

As I finished the puzzle, I couldn’t help but think about what is missing from the puzzle that represents Texas for me. While there is a sign in the puzzle that says ‘don’t mess with Texas’, the more common phrase I’ve always heard is ‘everything is bigger in Texas.’ So I was surprised that it wasn’t included in the collage.

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